Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, the resilient people of Puerto Rico continue to rally together in a Herculean effort to rebuild their devastated island country after receiving the worst destruction that Hurricane Maria dealt with any of the Caribbean Islands. In a remarkably short amount of time and with lots of elbow grease and generators, the island is currently running at 85% capacity. Not only are ports welcoming cruise ships, but airports are also operating and scheduling flights daily. Local commerce is eager to make sales and return to "business as usual" as Puerto Rico’s recovery is moving in the right direction.

Many of Puerto Rico's hotels are banding together in relief efforts that offer tourists a new way to pitch in and help with rebuilding efforts by offering "voluntourism" opportunities. During this season of giving, when many Americans are donating hours to local soup kitchens and toy drives, those that enjoy traveling while doing good deeds will be welcome with open arms at this tropical island paradise. Opportunities are limitless and your hotel staff will help you find a way to partner in the rebuilding effort, whether it's at a local park, a historical site or distributing medical supplies. The choices are many and varied and offer an excellent way to help our fellow Americans while helping ourselves to a lifetime of unique and precious memories.Leading the rebirth of the island's tourism industry is world-famous Casa Bacardi, reopening less than two weeks after Hurricane Maria's fury.Undaunted, Serafina Beach Hotel staff are preparing to welcome you to the island's newest lifestyle-boutique hotel that offers lavish open-air spaces and magnificent ocean views. Visit Puerto Rico for things to do, places to see and to learn about local history. Downtown San Juan is the island's hub and a must-see destination when you can drag yourself away from the beach.

In Spanish, Puerto Rico is also known as la Isla del Encanto, which translates into "the island of enchantment". And enchanted you will be as you soak up the sights, sounds, and culture of this lively and diverse people!Should you decide to visit the island paradise of Puerto Rico and experience "voluntourism" first-hand, feel free to bring along extra dry goods, medical and hygienic supplies to be distributed to those in the most remote areas still affected by Hurricane Maria. Donations are gratefully accepted, whether as goods or volunteering your time, but even more impactful to the economy are your tourism dollars. Retailers, restaurants, museums, historical sights and hotels are affordable and eager to please.What better time to plan your Puerto Rican vacation than when North America gets its chill on? After months of shoveling snow this Winter, you deserve to soak up the sun's glorious rays on a gorgeous beach while being pampered by the staff of your luxury hotel on the Island of Enchantment!